insectinside: life in the bushes of a small Peckham park

£20.00 / Sold out
After featuring on BBC’s Springwatch, I am having to reprint Insectinside due to unexpected demand. This means that all orders will take around 3 weeks to fulfil. Many thanks for your patience.
Warwick Gardens is an ordinary park in Peckham, south east London. It's not a nature reserve and has nothing special to warrant it as such. But, after 6 years of photographing the insects, I have unearthed some delights: regional rarities, species new to the country, and some astounding-looking insects, whether it be jewel wasps, camouflaged weevils, or thick-headed flies.
Peckham is being tidied up, revamped and rebranded. This book is a portrait of the insects who live in Warwick Gardens, a story of life in the bushes. Written with a wry look at the gentrification of Peckham through the compound eyes of our tiny neighbours, it reveals the comings and goings, the politics, the celebrations of birth, death and survival.
Paperback book. 236 pages with over 600 colour photos.